Summary: The best time to repot Monstera is in early spring before new leaves appear.
When should I repot Monstera?
One of the most beloved plants in the world is Monstera deliciosa, also known as the lovely monstera. This plant is native to subtropical regions of the world and takes its name from the French botanist Guillaume Le Testu who first identified and classified it in 1847. The leaves of this plant are typically lance-like in shape and have a velvety texture that is similar to that of the tropical jungle plant, philodendrons. The large green flowers can appear at any time of the year but are particularly lovely in the winter months.
Unfortunately, there are several threats to the existence of this plant. One of the primary problems is that it is sensitive to day length. When the day becomes shorter, the plant tends to become fussy and demanding. Another issue is that this plant requires a specific climate to thrive. Specifically, it needs a warm temperature and plenty of sunlight. This makes it difficult to bring this plant inside your home if you live in a place with cool nights or shaded days. Still another issue that plagues this magnificent plant is pests. The large green flies that suck on the nectar from the flowers are one such pest. Finally, some people are allergic to the saliva of these insects which causes rashes and swelling around the mouth and neck. If you experience any of these symptoms, there is a chance that you are allergic to this plant and should avoid it altogether.
There are ways that you can help ensure the long-term health and safety of your beloved monstera. First, make sure that it is well fertilized. To do this, give it an occasional moderate watering or misting. Also, make sure that its soil is well drained as this will help reduce the likelihood of it becoming root-bound. Finally, make sure that you are aware of any signs of pests. If you discover that your plant is infested with these annoying insects, the safest course of action is to remove them by hand or with a pesticide. In terms of day length, if you live in a place with short days, you can extend the day length by artificial lighting such as sunlight-simulating lamps or growing lights. If you are unable to give your plant extra hours of daylight, you should select another species that has a more favorable response to shorter days. We hope that we have been able to help you maintain the health and happiness of your precious monstera.