Summary: Make sure you keep an eye on the soil moisture levels and water when needed. These plants love humidity, so regular misting is a must! If you start to see brown tips on the leaves, it’s likely due to a lack of humidity. Another important care tip is to fertilize regularly, using a balanced fertilizer. Lastly, be sure to give your plant plenty of bright, indirect light.
How do you get shiny Monstera leaves?
There are several ways to make your Monstera leaves shine. You can hand-spray them with water to give them that wet, shiny look that is so popular (especially in the UK!). You can also use acrylic paint or gel pens to color inside the leaf (do this on paper first to make sure it isn’t too messy on the leaves). You can even opt for an old-fashioned method and dip the leaves in nicotine oil (this is risky as it can cause damage to your plants). Finally, you can grow your Monstera in very bright light and give it lots of water to make sure it stays healthy and shiny all year round!
If you have a green thumb and are looking for a new challenge, then Monstera is the perfect plant for you. It’s pretty hardy and easy to grow, and the leaves really do shine when they are given some TLC!
The Benefits Of Growing Monstera
Although it’s easy enough to buy a pack of seedlings for your garden, the truth is that houseplants grow much better if you have bred them yourself. This is because you know exactly what quality you are getting and don’t have to worry about any nasty surprises afterward (more often than not, this is where imported plants lose their leaves to bugs or fungus).
If you’re already using the internet to source plants and supplies for your houseplants, then why not take the opportunity to find out more about your options when it comes to Monstera? You can find out everything from how to grow the plant to where you can buy it from.
With the first flush of summer already upon us, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about how you can bring some life into your outdoor space. Maybe you have a nice deck space that you didn’t get around to finishing off last year. Or perhaps you’ve got a spare corner of a garden that you didn’t get a chance to plant in the spring. Whatever your situation, you can always use a decking planter to transform your outdoor space!
There are plenty of options out there, and it’s worth looking at all of them to find the one that will work best for you. It’s also worth keeping in mind that size does matter when it comes to choosing the right planter: make sure that the diameter of the pot you pick is big enough to accommodate the width of the plant you are planting. You don’t want to end up with root rot caused by cramming in too many plants in too small of a pot!
The Main Differences Between The Varieties
If you are growing your Monstera plant inside, then it’s important to differentiate between the different varieties. There are a number of different breeds of Monstera, all with their specific traits and attributes. For example, there is a dwarf variety that is perfect for hanging baskets and an upright variety that is better suited to larger pots.
You should also bear in mind that while some varieties are completely self-sufficient, others will require you to prune them periodically to maintain their shape.
Where Can I Buy Seeds Or Tubs Of Root Cuttings?
One of the best places to buy seeds and tubs of root cuttings is online. Not only do you get to search for the exact varieties you are looking for, but you can also compare prices and find out what other customers have to say about the products you are interested in purchasing.
You can also ask other users about which varieties they think will work best in your area and whether or not you should purchase male or female plants.
If you think that you might be tempted to try an old-fashioned method of planting seeds after reading this article, then you might want to reconsider. However, if you are looking for guidance on where to buy and how to grow plants then you should definitely consider going down the route of digital seed search.